I argue that our current voting system, which allows only one vote, has several drawbacks:
• It often prevents you from expressing support for your preferred candidates.
• Polarization is higher than it could be.
• It makes it difficult for new, potentially great leaders to gain popularity.
Consider three candidates: A, B, and C.
• You like candidate A.
• You dislike candidate B.
• You absolutely love candidate C.
You would prefer to vote for candidate C, but A and B are the frontrunners. You don't want B to win, so you vote for A, who has a better chance of winning than C.
As a result, your support for candidate C goes unexpressed, even though you like them the most.
Isn’t that wrong? It misses the essence of democracy.
Example Where the Underdog Wins
Imagine a right-wing candidate (R), a left-wing candidate (L), and a moderate candidate (M).
• 50% of people prefer R to win but would also be okay with M winning.
• 50% of people prefer L to win but would also be okay with M winning.
In this scenario, M winning would best represent democracy for the entire nation and would likely benefit the country by reducing polarization and fostering meaningful public debates.
With a one-vote system, only L or R could win, leaving M with no chance.
If people had two votes, M would receive twice as many votes as either L or R. In reality M will get at most 5%.
Yes, most people will not have their best candidate in power, but the country moves more or less in the direction that most of the nation agrees with. Also, a new candidate doesn’t undo a lot of what the previous person in power did.
Isn’t it interesting that many nations experience close to 50-50 polarization? Elections often result in outcomes like 53% to 47%, remaining very close to that divide.
I argue this occurs because a one-vote-per-person system naturally favors only two candidates, leading to strong conflict between their supporters. Public debate often focuses on “why shouldn’t someone win” rather than “why I am the best candidate.”
It is also challenging for new, promising candidates to gain popularity, as many voters believe that supporting anyone other than the frontrunners is a wasted vote.
Perhaps most importantly, this system divides voters, allowing them to express their differences rather than what they have in common.